
曾经玩过国拟现在写科拟, residing in multiple fandoms。不定期更文。
Does not know how to spell(lol)

FLAG×四or more



1. Genetic Engineering (featuring: 生物/社会学/医学/政治/传媒/Theology)


The box lay open and waiting, like an open mouth, and she couldn't see the teeth, which were supposed to be hidden from sight until you got too close and...well...saw too late, but she knew the teeth were there. Right around the corner, right behind their emotionless faces.

She probably had them behind her own face as well. No, she had to have them. Jungle Laws, man. They all know it, and you know it better than them.

She stood for a moment longer before Philosophy signalled for her to enter. Feeling somewhat alike to a Schrodinger's cat, she walked towards the box. Oh, the outcomes, the outcomes! Not simply Death or Life but SO MANY MORE! Which shall it be? Which shall it be? 

A question of no relevance whatsoever was called to her mind at this particular moment: The cat itself, will know, if it is dead, won't it? 

Will it?

Can it?

She stared at the teeth, and wondered if she was dead already.

She was about one step away when Geography grabbed hold of her arm and they exchanged a last minute conversation.


/Geography: Hey, Biology? You'll be fine. Don't worry too much about it, just go in there, and tell them what you believe. You do...believe, right?/

/Biology(Genetics): Of course. And what about you? What is your view on the matter?/

/Geography: Neutral. Mostly./

/Biology (Genetics): Then...why have you come to wish me luck?/

/Geography: I just wanted to let you know will support you for as long as your arguement can hold me, and then maybe a little farther. In other words, when it seems like no-one cares any longer and everyone's listening to themselves, I might want to listen to your opinions a little longer. But you know that I have my

/Biology (Genetics): 利益?Don't we all./

/Geography: Yeah. Look, I know that this ain't a game with a clear winner, and this ain't a story someone invents for fun or writes on their laptop to either keep or delete. This is reality you're facing, that all of us, all of us are facing. I understand that. But even so, I want to wish you good luck, do you understand that?/

/Biology (Genetics): Ahh, of course. I understand it just like I know that you're simply saying these things to be dramatic about the gravity of the moment, but even so, I want to thank you./

Her arm was released, and she stepped inside.


2. The United Nations (Featuring: 社会学/政治/某些国家)

The League of Nations:

Together, they joined hands at the table. A final ceremony before the parting of their ways.


It was 1920, the 10th of January, Geneva. They'd just signed.

The United Nations:

None of the office lights were on, in fact, they‘d been turned off deliberately. In the darkness, Sociology shared a smile with the symbol engraved on the amulet’s white surface.

It was not a very creative symbol. In all truth it lacked imagination. But of course, it was not created by painters or artists or dreamers. It was crafted by dreamers of a different kind. 

She stared at the globe, drawn in blue paint, and the laurel leaves surrounding it, rimmed in gold. Yes, its meaning was all too straightforward. A politicians’Utopia.

She shut her eyes and let her hand fall to dangle from the armrests of the white office chair. Slowly, she allowed herself to drift off into a light sleep, knowing that the amulet would be clutched tight in her fingers the entire night until the sun rose to signal the dawn of another morning.

3. 关于传媒 (这个连搞都没打呢,大概会出现传媒,社会学和某些国家)

It is a story about the Media. About reporters and photographs and news stories and videos which changed the world. And about Asylums and Pentagons and battle fields and secrets all the dark corners where she was determined to let her light shine. If you will, you may believe that it is a story about truth, but who knows?



明天就要去夏校了我好紧张啊啊啊啊,keep calm and play with Lofter.jpg (捂脸)



