
曾经玩过国拟现在写科拟, residing in multiple fandoms。不定期更文。
Does not know how to spell(lol)

当神学神化 (读完The Five People you meet in Heaven 之后深深中毒, 虽然学得不太准)

She raised both hands as if to straighten out the short locks of her silver hair, but stopped short and let her hands fall back to her side.
She sighed, as if deep in thought, and closed her eyes.
She did not part her lips, yet they all heard her words.
'It is thanks to all of you that I am able to become who I truely am. To connect so many lives, to know so many stories, to behold so many truths. By destroying the part of me that needed to go, you have saved me. And to that I am forever indebted. I am confident that our story shall continue, together, for even the tiny bit of hope in the face of despair is an endless possibility. And I have hope. I have hope.'
The others listened in silence to what seemed to be the final testimony they'd ever hear. And her back was to them so that they could not see her face, but they had the impression that as the words fell, her figure was changed. Her hair seemed to fall through an infinite amount of space, until its ends could no longer be detected. And its colour was not a harsh white, but everchanging, from white to black to red to gold, so swiftly that it seemed to possess no color at all. And her voice too, was changed with the words she spoke, from one to two to more and more until it was a choir of a million different languages, and it was no longer coherent words but all the words from all of these languages that ever formed to mean Hope. But they weren't words at all, but a wordless melody that seemed to stretch infinitely onwards until the End and to the past all the way to the Beginning, except there was no end, and no beginning, and each moment, each story connects with the one and the one with the other and the other with the next until it was an infinite number of individual stories but the stories were all one.
And when she turned, at long last they saw, to their surprise, that there was nothing divine about her features, or her eyes, that it was only a pair of human eyes, but so filled with emotion that it could easily have been a million pairs of eyes, and they realized that her voice, although heavenly in sound, was indeed no more than a mixure of those million voices, speaking out their Hope. And her face, her face was not alike any one face. Her skin did not possess a particular color, and she seemed to be at once all the humans that exist on earth and all that have existed and all that will exist, and as they peered into that face they saw the child that asks ignorant questions and the old man who is minutes away from death, and the religious and the nonereligious, and the scientists, scholars, artists and ordinary people from every corner of the world, and the good and the evil, the saints and the sinners, and all those remembered by history and also all those forgotten, and they saw that all of the faces were changing constantly from the child to the old man and that their races and beliefs and experiences were all different but that the faces were all one.


